...head section stuff (Title, Description,etc.)... Through the Eyes of Glen: September 2011


Friday, September 30, 2011

Today is the last day in September. Life has been busy these past few weeks with a road trip up the west coast, graduating from a university, moving to another state, and starting a new chapter in life. It has had its ups and downs. After all that is the way life goes.

I have not gotten a job as of yet. I had applied for jobs that I knew I would do great in and that I would be a great addition to the companies. However, I did not even get an interview for most of them. Rejection after rejection but I have kept at it. I confess that the rate of my applications has faltered because of my lack of faith in companies giving me a chance. I have also been busy driving my wife to her job (her having a job is a great blessing since I am not providing) because we only have one car and she likes the little extra time that we get to spend together. I have also been busy catching up on some of my photography, helping family, and educating myself. There are so many good things to do in this life.

Today My wife was not at work as long. While she was bringing in the bread I set up an eye appointment for her. She has not had an eye exam for a long while and she has been using each pare of contacts for about three months before she has no choice but to start wearing a new pair. luckily she has insurance through her job and the eye exam is free because it is a preventative measure. 

Tonight there was a football game between BYU and USU. I had the option to go but my wife had other things to do. I really wanted to get out around people (I know have major sympathy for stay at home moms that just want someone to talk to). But I decided that my wife's wants were more important. Just so you know I am not a sports fanatic. I just wanted to get out. We did go out and get a little something to eat even though we are poor. the food was good and it was nice to spend time with the love of my life. We then went home to our little apartment and watched the movie Swing Vote. it was a good movie. Now here I am teeth brushed about to go to bed.

There is one thing I want to express. For about the past month I have been trying to get on an internet reality show about cheap people. From people who know me they would agree that I should be on the show just because , well... It is just me. Just yesterday I got free chairs to go with our free table from the week before. I could go on and on with complex tails of how I save and scrounge but I will save you the details. In any case I have been trying to get on this show. I have advertised it to my friends to help me get on the show. I have interviewed for the show and just from what I had written showed that I was a true cheap guy. (I cannot believe that I am actually needing and trying to convince people that I am cheap!) I also have four people I know also trying to get on the show. Only ten people can make it on and two of them are chosen by popular 'vote.' Well I was informed by one of my friends trying to get on the show that she had been selected to be on the show. If what she told me was correct then eight of the ten have been selected and now it is up to the two popular votes. I am in fourth place currently and the person in third place has more than double the 'votes' I have. That is a blow to my cheap ego. 
What am I going to do if I cannot even get on a show about cheap people? Is there anything left after that? I have resorted to trying to be cheap and it appears that the people running the show don't think I'm good enough for the show! 

In any case I am happy about one thing. Tomorrow is a special day. A day that I get to listen to the voice of the Lord through his holy prophets. I do not have a job and I do not seem to have financial, or occupational direction. But I know that My Heavenly Father is always there even though I flounder along the way. he is so merciful and good and provided a Savior for me, our perfect brother, Jesus Christ. I hope I can be a better example of his love and patience. Tomorrow I hope to be comforted and redirected to gain the final goal of happiness, whenever that may fully come. I invite you to also watch, listen, and feel. it is translated in many languages. Here is the link to watch it online http://lds.org/general-conference/watch?lang=eng

There will be four live distinct sessions two hours long each
Saturday October 1, 2011
10:00am - 12:00pm MDT
2:00pm - 4:00pm MDT

Sunday October 2, 2011
10:00am - 12:00pm MDT
2:00pm - 4:00pm MDT