...head section stuff (Title, Description,etc.)... Through the Eyes of Glen


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Today I woke up to my wife's alarm. I forgot to set mine so it was almost like sleeping in. When we were leaving our apartment to take my wife to her work it was dark, wet and cold. The world has changed in such a short amount of time as far as the weather is concerned. This last weekend was beautiful, sunny and warm.

The weather has changed but I feel the world is changing as well. Economies around the world are about to break under the strain of debt. Adding to the self destructive pressure is the feeling of entitlement among many people. A great example of this is the "Occupy Wall Street" and its related movements around the nation and the world. people have gotten themselves in debts they cannot get out of and they try and lay the blame on banks, government and the economy. It is hard to get out of a financial hole and it takes effort and sacrifice. Taking out a loan is not sacrifice... paying it back takes sacrifice.

University graduates are coming out into a workforce that is brutal. When you add debt to the stress it can be overwhelming. However, stress and problems to not absolve a person to abase themselves by demanding someone else take their chosen burden. I have seen what happens to a people when they demand things they think they are entitled to.

I lived in Argentina for a time. I went there not knowing the language or the culture, but I went to give of myself; to help the people to help themselves. Now I do love Argentina and the people who live there, yet all people have flaws. The government of Argentina  is a socialist government. Now I know that the word 'socialism' brings up preconceived notions. Let me tell you was the society was like.

There are many people in Argentina who think that the government and other people should take care of them. It is not an idea that is strange or foreign. Most people grow up in a home where their needs are provided for. The reason for this is because as babies and children we are either not capable of caring for ourselves or we have not yet learned how to take care of ourselves. In those impressionable and growing years it is vital for parents to prepare their children to become positive additions to society. The problem with the overall society in Argentina is that people have to progressed out of the children phase of their development. I would go on to say that this is found all over the world in varying degrees. Now before you get yourself all worked up thinking I am blindly making assumptions, and claiming that these people I talk of are less than others, know that all these people can change. The key to change is having the desire to change.

But why should a person desire to change when it is easier to revert to the child's way of whining and moping and throwing a tantrum? Well, there are a few questions one can ask themselves to ascertain whether or not it is worth it to change:
Am I happy constantly avoiding the consequences of my choices? I know people who have gotten themselves into some major problems. When they try and avoid the problem the problem does not go away, and they constantly have that problem hanging over their head. Have you ever been asleep and then there was a constant annoying noise that was interrupting your sleep, like a dripping faucet? Now we think that the people that can just ignore it an go back to sleep are amazing and tough. But what about the person who gets up and turns the faucet off? They go back to bed and they sleep well because they do not have that nagging noise disturbing their sleep. The person who tries and ignores the irritating noise does not get quality sleep and they are likely to wake up in the morning grumpy and tired. now think of them doing it every night! They might get used to it but if they were to just fix the problem it would make a world of difference for them. the funny thing about problems, though, is that they tend to get worse and not just stay the same. So the dripping faucet becomes a ragging waterfall that soaks the person and chills them to the bone. Try sleeping in that!
If I don't face my problems why should someone else do it, and why would they want to? Now let us continue with the image of that leaking faucet. Imagine that you have tried to stand that leaky faucet for a few weeks but it is getting worse. Now you have to fix some plumbing issues that have come from not fixing the problem in the first place. You need to fix it, but it is so hard! If you do not decide to fix it you may think... oh the plumber needs to fix it! So you call the p;umber and you insist that he fix it. He tells you how much it will cost and you get angry. You say, "I didn't cause the problem! Why should I have to pay that? You are the plumber! you have to fix it!" The plumber says, "look if you don't pay I wont fix it, I have to make money and I do that by doing what you don't want to do." You say, "Can't you just do it out of the goodness of your heart?" The plumber replies, "If I did that every time someone had a plumbing problem I would not make any money at all." You say, "Humph!" The plumber leaves thinking "That was a waste of my time. We'll see if he likes what I'll charge when he has Niagara Falls in his bathroom."
Do I want to take on another person's problems just because they don't want to face them? Put yourself in the shoes of the people that you want to fix your problems. You might think you have, but you only do it from the stand point that they have so much and I have a greater need than they do. Right... you think that plumber should fix your leak or soon to be broken pipe. Well the plumber goes home and he has a problem of his own. He has termites. But you didn't know that because you though you were the only person with problems. He does his best to exterminate them and him might succeed because he is willing to do what it takes. But if he cannot do it himself he pays someone else to do it, or he might even trade work to get it done. Remember everyone has problems. Financial hard-times come to everyone. There are family problems, disasters, accidents, disease, debt and more. If you try and force your problems one others you make life worse for you and for others. So what are you going to do to make things better? In the end it all comes down to you.
What kind of person do I want to become? There is only one person that can run your life and that is you. When you insist someone else to fix the problems in your life you will end up losing your ability to choose. If you are not willing to take your life in your own hands then you will not be able guide where your life goes. You cannot have others solve all your problems and do what you want to as well. They are opposites and they cannot live together. As Newton stated in his law of motion, "To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction: or the forces of two bodies on each other are always equal and are directed in opposite directions." Or simply there are always opposites and you cannot have one without the other.

So to the protestors and to others who have this sense of entitlement. Wake up to reality! How long do you think you can through your problems on others until it comes back to you. If you have student loans you can only blame yourself. If there are not jobs it does not mean that you should be able to get out of debt. it does not make the bank the bad guy. If that is the only way to gain an education perhaps the universities are charging too much, but that is a whole different issue. Step up and own your problems. By trying to make banks pay will cause the problem to get passed around. The bank will get what it needs from the people which will includes you. If you collapse the system your debt may seem to go away but you will have a whole different problem that will make the debt seem insignificant. instead of the dripping faucet you will have a raging Niagara Falls gorged on your unwillingness to be an adult in your actions.

I ask you all to look at what you are asking. You will not be fixing your problems and you will be making worse ones. If you you have passed the point of human feeling (Which is the case if you pursue this course after being shown the results that will occur) you are a then a danger to yourself and to others. If that is the case then the only thing good people can do is lock you up and perhaps try you for attempting to destroy the freedoms of others.

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